Thank you for your interest in BabaCAD. I must say that you are just second person who offer to donate for BabaCAD, and BIG thank to you for that, but I cannot accept it, cause I have not accepted from the first guy (also one american, that was 3 years ago) and it's obvious that donation from two guys can't help much in BabaCAD development. But, your review is maybe more valuable for me and for other users, so I must say thank you again.
Now, i will try to anwser to your questions:
1. commands defined with lisp DEFUN function and loaded by APPLOAD will run if typed in Dynamic Entry Box, but auto-complete can't find it cause it's populated at the start of BabaCAD (i will see in next service pack update to solve this, so auto-complete to know about these commands too).
2. Will fix it,
a) Z coordinate is displayed and editable in properties pane only for 3D objects like LINE, POINT, 3D POLYLINE, but not for circle, arc, 2d polyline...
b) to see or get access to n-th vertex of polyline/3dpolyline, just select it and type vertex index (for example 5 for 5th vertex) in "Vertex" field in Properties pane
or select polyline and once click on vertex which coordinates wants to be displayed in Properties pane (X,Y,Z coordinates) like as you want to move vertex (and
cancel move by type "Esc" or just click on same snaped vertex coordinate). After that you can also edit coordinates of selected vertex.
c) you can change Z coordinate of all vertices of 3d polyline object: first type -1 in Vertex field (top field in Geometry section of properties pane for 3d polyline
object), then type value in Z field. All vertices will move to that Z coordinate.
4. Will fix it,
5. Polyline, 3D polyline and Spline edit are included, just with different command name (also look for icons at Ribbon bar at right). PLINEJOIN, PVERTEXADD,
6. Solution in 3. (I will check if bug exists for moving z-coordinate by typing in command line).
7. I don't understand this. SAVE and SAVEAS exists, just click on BabaCAD icon on top-left (there is also New, Open, Print....)
8. I can put distance command later, but you have properties pane LENGTH, then DIMALIGNED, then you stand on grip point and length of line/polyline segment will
be displayed also
9. Ortho is depricated cause you have object tracking feature (OTRACK) which is more usable and it's replacement for ortho, so just follow tracking lines...
10. no FILEDIA
11. there is LIST command, maybe it's not included in auto-complete (type LIST in command line)
12. UNITS are welcome, will be there soon (I hope)
13. I put some options in menu (ribbon) bar, but if you like to change options in dialog, ok, will add it
14. Thank you for sharing this LISPS with other users. I also think that many automation tasks can be made using lisp, I just don't have a time for scripting.
Forgot to tell that these commands or any other .lsp script can be loaded automatically at startup if you edit bcad.mnu file in \Program
Files\BabaCAD\BabaCAD\Support folder.