Windows and Mac versions almost have no functional There are so many things found here about over the counter phentermine alternatives just a few more functions in Mac version, like Array and Mirror (Modify menu), Ellipse (Draw), better render quality, export to pdf. In Mac version, Lisp is built-in, and in Windows version, Lisp has to be download as Extension Module (AddOn).
Next version of BabaCAD for Windows (release 1.3.6) are comming soon, with:
- Linetypes (- - -, -.-.-, -- -- --, ...) that can be customized (linetypes file in /support/bcad.lin)
- Array and Mirror modify functions that are already in Mac version.
- New entites and drawing commands: ellipse, spline (3D), 3D polyline (3DPOLY).
- New version will be 3D enabled (this is not yet 3D solid modeling version, which is on the way, but more about this later).
- LINE, POINT and 3D POLYLINE objects will have Z coordinate (modifiable in Properties window or moving and snaped to other 3D objects in workspace). Length property calculated for 3D lines and 3D polylines.
- There will be more cool things like "Dynamic Input", grid on/off, smooth render as LW on/off, raster image now saves to dxf when inserted in drawing.
- 3DORBIT command (also SHIFT+scrollwheel+mouse to explore 3D)
- 2D/3D VIEWS: top, front, left,right, isometric.
- Polyline join (PLINEJOIN) for all line based objects (line,polyline,3D polyline).
- New Tools: convert 2D to 3D polyline.
Hope everyone will enjoy a new enhanced BabaCAD 1.3.6
Even I had this thought in mind that they both have no difference Windows and Mac versions they have no functional differences. But just read the information . Thank you for Sharing.