CAD 2020 grátis

Para ser mais preciso, é quase 100% gratuito (podemos dizer 95% grátis). Como pode ser?

Isso ocorre porque esse CAD é cerca de vinte vezes mais barato que as outras ferramentas profissionais de CAD.
Bem, o Auto CAD é o melhor da classe, mas se você pode comprar um CAD profissional por 1/20 do preço do prof. CAD e abrir / editar arquivos do CAD (DWG, DXF), e se você pode concluir todo o trabalho, por que alguém desperdiçaria dinheiro desnecessariamente.
O BabaCAD suporta todos os arquivos de desenho .DWG até R 2020, por isso é 100% compatível com todos os outros softwares profissionais de CAD.

Vá para a página inicial (, baixe o software e experimente agora gratuitamente.
Desenhe uma linha, arco, círculo, retângulo, polilinha ou use ferramentas de modificação e desenhe objetos mais complexos, como blocos, spline, hachura e assim por diante.
Agrupe objetos usando blocos, camadas e escolha entre diferentes pesos e tipos de linha.
Importe blocos de uma enorme biblioteca de blocos em arquivos DWG e DXF que podem ser encontrados na Internet.
No final, desenhe cotas, anotações, texto, insira imagens rasterizadas e muito mais.

Existem vários tutoriais em vídeo na página inicial, iniciados pela criação de uma planta 2D simples em CAD, importação de esboços, plotagem em escala usando layouts e muito mais.

Se você deseja iniciar a modelagem CAD em 3D, existe a versão 3D Enterprise com as ferramentas básicas de modelagem 3D sólidas, como Extrusão, Filete, Chanfro, Furos, etc.
A versão corporativa pode ser estendida com seus próprios comandos e funções programando os módulos do BabaCAD .NET AddOn usando VisualBasic ou C # e .NET Components no Microsoft Visual Studio. Projetos de amostra estão incluídos no pacote.

CAD 2020 gratis

Para ser más precisos, es casi 100% gratis (podemos decir 95% gratis). ¿Como puede ser?

Es por el hecho de que este CAD es aproximadamente veinte veces más barato que las otras herramientas CAD profesionales.
Bueno, Auto CAD es el mejor de su clase, pero si puede comprar un CAD profesional por 1/20 del precio de prof. CAD y abrir / editar archivos de CAD (DWG, DXF), y si puede terminar todo el trabajo, ¿por qué? ¿Alguien gastaría dinero innecesariamente?
BabaCAD admite todos los archivos de dibujo .DWG hasta R 2020, por lo que es 100% compatible con todos los demás software CAD profesionales.

Vaya a la página de inicio (, descargue el software y pruébelo ahora de forma gratuita.
Dibuje una línea, un arco, un círculo, un rectángulo, una polilínea o use herramientas de modificación y dibuje objetos más complejos como bloques, splines, sombreados, etc.
Agrupe objetos usando bloques, capas y elija entre diferentes pesos de línea y tipos de línea.
Importe bloques de una gran biblioteca de bloques en archivos DWG y DXF que se pueden encontrar en Internet.
Al final, dibuje dimensiones, anotaciones, texto, inserte imágenes ráster y mucho más.

Hay varios tutoriales en video en la página de inicio, comenzando por hacer un simple plano 2D en CAD, importar bocetos, trazar en escala usando diseños y mucho más.

Si desea comenzar el modelado CAD en 3D, hay una versión 3D Enterprise con las herramientas básicas de modelado sólido 3D como Extrusión, Filete, Chaflán, Agujeros, etc.
La versión Enterprise se puede ampliar con sus propios comandos y funciones mediante la programación de módulos de complementos .NET de BabaCAD utilizando VisualBasic o C # y componentes .NET en Microsoft Visual Studio. Se incluyen proyectos de muestra en el paquete.

Logiciel de CAO le moins cher

Pour être plus précis, c’est presque 100% gratuit (peut-on dire 95% gratuit). Comment ça peut être?

C’est parce que cette CAO est environ vingt fois moins chère que les autres outils de CAO professionnels.
Eh bien, Auto CAD est le meilleur de la classe, mais si vous pouvez acheter un CAO professionnel pour 1/20 du prix prof CAD et ouvrir / modifier des fichiers CAD (DWG, DXF), et si vous pouvez terminer tout le travail, alors pourquoi quelqu’un gaspillerait-il de l’argent inutilement?
BabaCAD prend en charge tous les fichiers de dessin .DWG jusqu’à R 2020, il est donc 100% compatible avec tous les autres logiciels de CAO professionnels.

Accédez à la page d’accueil (, téléchargez le logiciel et essayez-le dès maintenant gratuitement.
Dessinez une ligne, un arc, un cercle, un rectangle, une polyligne ou utilisez des outils de modification et dessinez des objets plus complexes tels que des blocs, des splines, des hachures, etc.
Regroupez les objets à l’aide de blocs, de calques et choisissez parmi différents épaisseurs et types de lignes.
Importez des blocs à partir d’une énorme bibliothèque de blocs dans des fichiers DWG et DXF disponibles sur Internet.
À la fin, dessinez des dimensions, des annotations, du texte, insérez des images raster et bien plus encore.

Il existe de nombreux didacticiels vidéo sur la page d’accueil, à commencer par la création d’un simple plan d’étage 2D en CAO, l’importation de croquis, le traçage à l’échelle à l’aide de mises en page et bien plus encore.

Si vous souhaitez commencer la modélisation CAO en 3D, il existe une version 3D Enterprise avec les outils de modélisation de solides 3D de base tels que l’extrusion, le congé, le chanfrein, les trous, etc.
La version Entreprise peut être étendue avec vos propres commandes et fonctions en programmant des modules BabaCAD .NET AddOn à l’aide des composants VisualBasic ou C # et .NET dans Microsoft Visual Studio. Des exemples de projets sont inclus dans le package.

Kostenloses CAD 2020

Genauer gesagt ist es fast 100% kostenlos (können wir sagen 95% kostenlos). Wie es sein kann?

Dies liegt an der Tatsache, dass dieser CAD etwa zwanzigmal billiger ist als die anderen professionellen CAD-Tools.
Nun, Auto CAD ist das beste in der Klasse, aber wenn Sie ein professionelles CAD für 1/20 des prof. CAD-Preises kaufen und CAD-Dateien (DWG, DXF) öffnen / bearbeiten können und wenn Sie alle Arbeiten abschließen können, warum dann? würde jemand unnötig Geld verschwenden.
BabaCAD unterstützt alle .DWG-Zeichnungsdateien bis R 2020 und ist daher zu 100% mit allen anderen professionellen CAD-Programmen kompatibel.

Gehen Sie zur Startseite (, laden Sie die Software herunter und testen Sie sie jetzt kostenlos.
Zeichnen Sie eine Linie, einen Bogen, einen Kreis, ein Rechteck, eine Polylinie oder verwenden Sie Änderungswerkzeuge und zeichnen Sie komplexere Objekte wie Blöcke, Spline, Schraffur usw.
Gruppieren Sie Objekte mithilfe von Blöcken, Ebenen und wählen Sie aus verschiedenen Strichstärken und Linientypen.
Importieren Sie Blöcke aus einer riesigen Bibliothek von Blöcken in DWG- und DXF-Dateien, die im Internet zu finden sind.
Zeichnen Sie am Ende Bemaßungen, Anmerkungen, Text, fügen Sie Rasterbilder ein und vieles mehr.

Auf der Startseite finden Sie eine Reihe von Video-Tutorials, die mit der Erstellung eines einfachen 2D-Grundrisses in CAD, dem Importieren von Skizzen, dem Zeichnen im Maßstab mithilfe von Layouts und vielem mehr beginnen.

Wenn Sie mit der CAD-Modellierung in 3D beginnen möchten, gibt es eine 3D Enterprise-Version mit den grundlegenden 3D-Volumenmodellierungswerkzeugen wie Extrudieren, Verrunden, Anfasen, Löchern usw.
Die Enterprise-Version kann mit Ihren eigenen Befehlen und Funktionen erweitert werden, indem BabaCAD .NET AddOn-Module mit VisualBasic oder C # – und .NET-Komponenten in Microsoft Visual Studio programmiert werden. Beispielprojekte sind im Paket enthalten.


Cheapest CAD Software 2020


To be more precise, it’s almost 100% free (can we say 95% free). How it can be?

It’s because of the fact that this CAD is about twenty times cheaper than the other professional CAD tools.
Well, Auto CAD is the best in the class, but if you can buy a professional CAD for 1/20 of the price, open/edit CAD files (DWG, DXF), and if you can finish all the work, then why would anyone waste money unnecessarily.

BabaCAD supports all .DWG drawing files up to R 2020, so it’s 100% compatible with all other professional CAD software.

Go to the start page (, download the software and try it right now for free.
Draw a line, arc, circle, rectangle, polyline, or use modify tools and draw more complex objects like blocks, spline, hatch and so on.
Group objects using blocks, layers and choose from different line weights and line types.
Import blocks from huge library of blocks in DWG and DXF files that can be found on the internet.
At the end, draw dimensions, annotations, text, insert raster images and much more.

There are number of video tutorials on the home page, started from making a simple 2D floor plan in CAD, importing sketches, plotting in scale using layouts and much more.

If you want to start CAD modeling in 3D, there is 3D Enterprise version with the basic 3D solid modeling tools like Extrude, Fillet, Chamfer, Holes etc.
Enterprise version can be extended with your own commands and functions by programming BabaCAD .NET AddOn modules using VisualBasic or C# and .NET Components in Microsoft Visual Studio. Sample projects are included in the package.


BabaCAD – CAD Software for Mac OS X

Apple Mac version of BabaCAD is released on Mac App Store on Dec-21. It’s professional CAD (computer-aided-design) developed as native 64-bit Mac OS X application. Multiple drawings interface, DXF file format (dwg will be available later in version update). Draw line, polyline (with bulge segments), arc, ellipse, circle, hatch with number of patterns included. Make and insert block, insert and save images of popular image formats as png, jpg, gif, tif. Export drawing to image or pdf document. Plot from layouts with multiple viewports available.

BabaCAD for Mac version has a LISP scripting enabled. Just run APPLOAD command (or find in menu) and load your favourite lisp (.lsp) program. Then just type lisp function name to start using lisp function.

To plot in scale, click “Page setup” in File menu, then choose “BabaCAD” from “Settings” list box. Plot setup dialog will appear where you can choose plot units (mm or inch) and specify plot scale.

Object tracking and snap is enabled by default. Move cursor pointer across end-points or specific object to see snap markers (end-point, nearest , intersection, perpendicular) and tracking lines (horizontal ,vertical, extension….).

You can also insert images into your drawing. Click on image insert icon and choose image from dialog. Then, specify insert point and scale factor to insert image in the drawing. Images will be saved among all other geometry objects and blocks.

As every professional CAD application, BabaCAD for Mac comes with support for inserting text, block, hatch, formatting layers, dimensioning (linear, aligned, angular, radius, diameter), modify tools including trim, extend, array, mirror, duplicate, block explode etc.

BabaCAD for Mac page link:

LISP Enabled CAD — And So What?

First ask yourself why other commercial CAD software like AutoCAD, DraftSight and others, have no customization capabilities for free. LISP (AutoLISP in AutoCAD) is one of the most powerful customization features found in AutoCAD. But only one problem is that AutoLISP is not available in AutoCAD LT (lite low-price version of full AutoCAD). Every neighbourhood has a LISP programmer cause LISP is one of the oldest programming languages and it’s very easy to learn. Even non-programmer can learn to write LISP routines to automate and speed up his CAD work. If you don’t know how to write lisp function then you can find millions of lisp routines on internet for free.

BabaCAD was among the first to have LISP programming support. It’s also AutoCAD AutoLISP compatible in most cases. LISP is available as AddOn/Extension module and you can download latest updated version on

I found that I’ve forgot to include option of changing layer for multiple selected objects in last BabaCAD release 1.3. I will fix this in next BabaCAD release, but I will give here temporaray solution using LISP. Just copy this lisp function to chlayer.lsp (open notepad and copy/paste and save as CHLAYER.LSP). You can set lsp file to automatically load on startup or manually load using command APPLOAD. You can even assign your custom icon and toolbar to your LISP command by editing bcad.mnu file in BabaCAD/Support folder.

(defun c:chlayer (/ lyr ss en ind)
 (setq lyr (getstring “Type existing layer name to change to: “))
 (setq ss (ssget))
 (setq ind 0)
 (while (setq en (entget (ssname ss ind)))
  (setq en (subst (cons 8 lyr) (assoc 8 en) en))
  (entmod en)
  (setq ind (+ ind 1))
(princ “chlayer.lsp by Mirza Coralic. Type chlayer to change object’s layer.”)

BabaCAD has been awarded “Editor’s Pick” award by Brothersoft

I’m pleased to announce that BabaCAD awarded “Editor’s Pick” award from Brothersoft for the last month (Jun-2012).
BrotherSoft is one of the leading software download sites providing a huge collection of software for free download to over 20 million unique English visitors each month.

Download this free CAD and start drafting

At first, when I was informed by the Brothersoft’s editor that BabaCAD is great CAD software and awarded “Editor’s Pick”, I thought, “ok, it must be they pick every new software release for such award”. Then, I was surprised after I searched google to see what is all about. I found this award is very respectable and here are some informations about criteria for getting “Editor’s Pick” from brothersoft’s site ( ):

BrotherSoft Review Staff give one product a Pick Award because this product is easy to use, it has a professional-looking interface, it is excellent compared to other programs in this section and so on.

About Evaluation
We evaluate the software based on our established evaluation criteria, which is submitted by developer. And we will give the software developer an honest opinion. Our original intention is that our evaluation could help the software developer provide a better one for their customers.

About Pick Guide
The following ratings guides lead to our review staff give one software a rating 3 or other.
1. More popular, as well as higher utilization of the software or add-in.
2. This program is an excellent software between the similar software, easy to use and professional-looking interface.
3. No Spyware, not mandatory modify the registry, adds uninstall feature and removes all traces of itself from the hard drive.
4. The software author provides help built in to the program, technical support is provided by e-mail and is clearly displayed within the program interface.
5. This program has a professional-looking home page and contains download links, brief program information, contact information and help.
<end of citation>

Thanks to Brothersoft for awarding BabaCAD. I hope that I will make this software even better and more useful for worldwide users.

BabaCAD je nagrađen “Editor’s Pick” nagradom od Brothersoft-a

Zadovoljstvo mi je da objavim da je BabaCAD nagrađen “Editor’s Pick” nagradom od portala za mjesec juni 2012.
BrotherSoft je jedan od vodećih portala za download softvera koji nudi veliku kolekciju softvera za besplatan download i ima preko 20 miliona jedinstvenih posjetilaca svakog mjeseca.

Na prvi pogled, kad sam dobio mail od urednika iz brothersoft-a da je BabaCAD odličan CAD softver i da je nagrađen “Editor’s Pick” nagradom, pomislio sam “u redu, vjerovatno svaki novo objavljeni softver nagrade ovakvom nagradom”. Zatim, nakon što sam malo potražio na google-u, moram priznati da sam se ipak iznenadio u pozitivnom smislu. Shvatio sam da je ova nagrada za respekt i došao sam do informacija o tome koji kriteriji se primjenjuju za dodjelu nagrade “Editor’s Pick” (više možete pročitati ovdje ):

Uredništvo Brothersoft-a dodjeljuje nekom produktu nagradu “Pick Award” zato što je taj produkt lagan za korištenje, ima profesionalan korisnički interfejs i odličan je poredeći ga sa ostalim softver-ima u istoj ili sličnoj kategoriji (u ovom slučaju kategoriji CAD aplikacija).

O procjeni
Brothersoft procjenjuje softver na osnovu unaprijed postavljenih kriterija. Takođe, autoru softvera dajemo iskreno mišljenje. Naša prvenstvena namjera je da naša procjena pomogne autoru da unaprijedi razvoj i ponudi još više svojim korisnicima.

O načinu odabira
Sljedeće kriterije koristi naš tim za ocjenu softvera ocjenom 3 i više:
1. Više popularan, kao i veće korištenje softvera
2. Ova aplikacija je odličan softver poredeći sa sličnim softverom, lagana za korištenje i profesionalnog izgleda
3. Ne sadrži spyware, ne mjenja sadržaj registara OS-a, omogučuje deinstaliranje i briše sve tragove sa hard diska
4. Autor softvera obezbjeđuje pomoć za korištenje unutar aplikacije, daje tehničku podršku putem e-mail-a i jasno je prikazuje unutar aplikacije
5. Ova aplikacija ima home page profesionalnog izgleda i sadrži download linkove, detaljan opis aplikacije, kontakt informacije i pomoć.
<kraj citata>

Zahvaljujem se Brothersoft-u za dodjeljenu nagradu. Nadam se aBd da ću ovaj softver urediti da bude još bolji i više korisniji svima.

prvi bosanski, hrvatski i srpski CAD

Unaprijed se izvinjavam ako nisam pogodio naslov- Iskreno rečeno nisam puno istraživao, već sam samo tražeći u Google-u za bosanski, hrvatski i srpski CAD, pojedinačno, dobio ‘ništa’. Volio bih, ako sam pogriješio, da neko argumentirano komentira ovaj blog, kako se ne bih i dalje ofir’o. Ako sam kojim slučajem pogodio, nadam se da ću ovim animirati naše prijatelje u susjedstvu da počnu razmišljati o nekom svom CAD-u, jer bez konkurencije nema kvaliteta. Odmah da napomenem potencijalne reviewer-e i kritičare da ovaj projekat ni blizu nije završen, dosta toga se uveliko radi i u prvom zvaničnom ne-beta release-u očekujte dosta više od ovoga u trenutnoj beta verziji koja se može download-ati na Dugo sam razmišljao šta reći kad me neko pita: “A što bih ja koristio CAD kad imam krekovani AutoCAD za petaka”. Evo nekoliko razloga:

1. počele su inspekcije, legalizacija je u toku, možete se informisati na

2. radite dosta na terenu, zadesite se negdje gdje nema instaliran CAD, a ima internet. Idite na i imate besplatan CAD i sve skinete i instalirate u roku 1 minute i odmah možete početi draftati.

3. imate nekih problema sa postojećim CAD-om. Npr. u AutoCAD-u bez dodatnih modula i skripti ne možete uvesti (importovati) txt fajl sa tačkama u X,Y koordinatama. Neki dan sjedim sa prijateljem i pričam mu o babacad-u i tu njegov kolega priupita da li babacad to može izgurati. Ja mu rekoh “za sad ne može, ali ako Bog da za par dana skini novu verziju pa možda se i nađe nešto”. Kad dođoh kući, skontam neću čekati, možda čovjeku to treba hitno, i ja to odmah naveče završim. Rezultat: 15-Jun verzija 1.0.3 ima novu komandu IMPTXT koja automatski ubaci tačke zajedno sa opisom za svaku tačku u radni prostor babacad-a.

Za GIS korisnike pripremam jedno iznenađenje, pa navratite ponekad i provjerite koje su novosti u novoj verziji ( ).